Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Elevator Pitch 1

Below is the text to my first elevator.

Ruby on Rails killed th Easter bunny, or at least it did for me, as I wrestled my way though the Ruby on Rails workshops over the Easter long weekend. I have to admit, the first half of this subject has presented great challenges for me. Given my limited programming and IT background the Ruby on Rails workshops took a great deal of research and application to complete. It is a Godsend that Ruby on Rails is a fairly easy to learn and somewhat intuitive web application framework. This meant I was able to pick up some basic programming very quickly and provided a great insight into the developers world, if only at the novice level. I feel that this knoweldge will place me in good stead for my future as a potential IT Manager. In terms of the completion of exercises for the blog, many of these were also quite time consuming and at times challenging. Starting from fairly benign beginnings with an overview of e-commerce and distributed applications on the internet, the blog then examined clients, servers, distributed paradigms and database servers which saw me battle and wrestle with Microsoft SQL Server Express 2008. The blog then entered more challenging territory with programming of web servers, looking at languages of the web, html and Java included. Building on this knowledge the blog examined web technologies and frameworks such as XML and Ruby on Rails and examined distributed objects through RMI and CORBA. So whilst the easter bunny didn’t visit this year, I am at least wiser in the ways E-systems Infrastructure development, and perhaps a little healtier from the distinct lack of Easter eggs. Besides, the Easter bunny will be next year.

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